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J.C. Wheeler Public Library

E-book Collection

Borrow E-books from the library.

  You can download and enjoy audiobooks, music, and video on your computer, or eBooks and audiobooks on your mobile device. All you need is your library card and you can access tons of amazing new and popular eBooks and Audiobooks!

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Whether you have a Nook, a Kindle, iPad, or a smart phone; you can get great books for free! You can even download Audiobooks onto your MP3 player!

Begin checking out free ebooks and downloadable audios by visiting the Southwest Michigan Digital Website.
Below are instructions for downloading e-Books and e-Audios on different devices.

Simply click on the instructions that fit your device best!

Nook or Kindle Devices with App store Instructions

Apple, Android and Blackberry Instructions

Kindle eReader Instructions

Nook and other commonly used e-reader Instructions

MP-3 Player Instructions

Can't find your favorite author's books on overdrive?
CLICK HERE to find out why it is not available.

Trying to figure out if your device is compatible or not? 
CLICK HERE for a listing provided by Overdrive of incompatible devices.

Google Books

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Search the latest index of world's books. Find Millions of great books you can preview or read for free. CLICK HERE for google books!

Project Gutenberg

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Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. CLICK HERE for books from Gutenberg Project!